The time is coming for us to shake out the dust in our houses and expel the stale air from our bedrooms. There’s nothing better than having your home feeling fresh and clean, ready to start the spring and summer seasons.

Yet even with determination to start the process, it’s essential to have a strategy to go into spring cleaning so it’s as smooth of a process as possible.

With a plan in place, you will be able to get a lot more done in a shorter amount of time unlike going in without a plan and just doing whatever comes to mind. Not only that but with the right strategy you can make your kitchen work even more efficiently than before.

1 - Clear Out Each Space Individually

Tackling one cabinet at a time and one shelf at a time will save you from overwhelming yourself as you deep clean your kitchen and help keep things more organized in the long run.

When you get everything out, this is the best time to sort out your inventory into keep piles, throw-away piles, and give-away piles. In smaller doses, you can be way more productive than if you tried to empty and sort out all your cabinets simultaneously.

Plus, this is a better way to measure your progress and how much you got done versus how much is left to do.

Spring Cleaning: The Deep Dive Into Deep Cleaning Your Kitchen 2
Spring Cleaning: The Deep Dive Into Deep Cleaning Your Kitchen 2

2 - Make It a Goal to Get Rid of at Least a Fifth of What You Own

Speaking of sorting piles, it’s good to have a goal in your sorting to free up more space in your kitchen, so the key to that is setting a specific number on things you want to give away or throw out. This will help you keep on track and make you think seriously about what you will actually use.

A good rule of thumb is if you haven’t used something in three months, it’s safe to say that you won’t be really using it at all. Give it away, put it for sale, or dump it.

Either way, you’ll now have more space to organize your items the way you want them.

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Spring Cleaning: The Deep Dive Into Deep Cleaning Your Kitchen 4

3 - Degrease Your Cabinets and Appliances

This is something we don’t really think about but with kitchens being used daily if not multiple times a day, that leads to a buildup of residue on not only our cabinetry but also our large appliances.

This is your chance to get a good degreaser that’s safe for the finish of your cabinets and appliances and with a little elbow grease, they will look better than before and maybe even a few shades lighter.

It’s sometimes hard to believe just how much gunk sticks to our cabinets until it is scrubbed off.

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Spring Cleaning: The Deep Dive Into Deep Cleaning Your Kitchen 6

4 - Clean Off Your Shelves

Like anything else in our lives, the places in our cabinets collect dust without us really thinking about it, and by no means does that make anyone a messy person. It’s just the natural progression of things.

Since you have most of your things off of the shelves, this is a great time to get them all cleaned up with a damp rag or another cleaning supply you like. Having a clean surface to put your things back on is going to make it look fresh and orderly.

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Spring Cleaning: The Deep Dive Into Deep Cleaning Your Kitchen 8

5 - Organize By Most Used Items

Kitchen cabinets are already designated spots for pots, pans, seasonings, and other kitchen utensils. However, when we add more serving dishes, spatulas, and other cooking things, it tends to get a little unruly.

This is your chance to organize your things, whether that’s adding organizers to keep things in place like pots and pans, their lids, and other utensils; or simply changing where things will be stored that helps the flow when using your kitchen.

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Spring Cleaning: The Deep Dive Into Deep Cleaning Your Kitchen 10

These steps don’t take any money to do (unless you buy cabinet organizers) or extra effort from what you’re already planning to get done, but it makes it more efficient.

Not only that but you can apply these steps anywhere in the house and not just keep it to kitchen organization.

Taking the time to concentrate on specific areas at a time helps keep you on track without having to overwhelm yourself. Soon it will become secondhand nature.

If you are looking for a way to take your pantry and kitchen organization to the next level, then look at the roll out shelves offered by All Organized!

We are ready to help you transform your kitchen with easy storage solutions like:

If you are ready to transform your kitchen, schedule your design session today!

As Thelma B. says:

I’m very happy to have found All Organized at a  Home Show.  I had recently remodeled my kitchen and was disappointed with the difficulty of seeing, and the inconvenience of reaching, things at the back of the shelves.  I tried installing wire roll-out baskets myself but lost a lot of space due to the frames.  All Organized solved all my problems.  Paul came out and I showed him the tall, heavy Kitchen Aid and Ninja appliances I needed to be stored,(but easily accessible) and serving dishes, bakeware, and canned goods, too.  He took measurements, made excellent suggestions, and then sent me a plan that made the best use of my space with the maximum number of drawers…..and at a reasonable price. The variety of available styles and depths of drawers worked out great for all the different things I needed at my fingertips. Prices were standard and there were no surprises.  They even accommodated me by installing some additional, previously purchased, ADA pull-downs for me in another room for a nominal fee.  All work was done quickly and efficiently by a friendly, knowledgeable craftsman. I don’t see myself needing any more storage solutions for a while, but if I do I will be calling All Organized.